One of the main goals of DIV Group Ltd. company is to be among the leading companies in our core business:
- Design, production and wholesale of fastener products.
- Production, sale, construction for railway facilities, roads, buildings, steel and other constructions
According to defined goals, valid management policy of quality, environment, energy, occupational health and safety, security and social responsibility, applied ISO standards in all areas of activity, attention to environmental care, rational energy consumption, the trust shown by customers and suppliers and their expactations for maintaining product quality, DIV Group Ltd. is commited to all levels:
- continuously improve the efficiency of quality management processes and systems, environmental protection, energy efficiency, security of supply chain management system and health and safety at work based on the requirements of international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001 and ISO 28000,
- permanently harmonize operations with applicable legislation,
- support the procurement of energy efficient products and services that improve energy efficiency,
- raise awareness of all employees about their own responsibility for quality, the need to preserve the environment, raise energy efficiency and awareness of health, safety at work and safety in general,
- procure protective equipment in accordance with prescribed standards, directives and laws in order to ensure safe work of employees, without endangering health,
- involve employees in addressing risks and opportunities to identify all hazards that employees encounter in the course of their work and which may lead to injuries, environmental hazards or have a detrimental effect on energy efficiency and product quality,
- provide all employees with information and resources that have a significant impact on the energy efficiency of their environment in order to improve the system and involve all employees in planned improvements so that everyone contributes to the development of energy efficiency and to identify all opportunities for improvement,
- create and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers, customers and subcontractors and encourage them to improve their attitudes towards quality, the environment, energy efficiency, health and safety at work and security of supply chain management,
- systematically improve the attitude towards the environment,
- set measurable and achievable goals of quality, environment, energy efficiency, health protection, occupational safety and corporate security,
- systematically assess and analyze hazards and risks related to health and safety at work and take measures to prevent injuries and diseases,
- respect the principles of responsibility, transparency, ethical conduct, respect for the interested parties, compliance with applicable national and international regulations and standards of conduct and human rights,
- systematically improve and continuously upgrade the knowledge of all employees in order to achieve the set goals,
- systematically improve, permanently build and implement the corporate security system and the security system of supply chain management in all organizational units and activities of DIV Group LTd. with the application of international and legally prescribed standards, and in accordance with the financial capabilities and overall business strategy of the company and with the application of the requirements of international standards ISO 28000 and ISO 31010.
Apply the ISO 28000 system to all organizational units in Knin and Zagreb in order to ensure safe supply and dispatch chains as much as possible at these locations which are export-oriented.
It is the duty and obligation of all DIV employees to get acquainted with the management policy of quality, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, security system of supply chain management and energy efficiency and social responsibility while accepting them as enduring principles in their own operations.
Zagreb: 08.09.2023.
Darko Pappo
Board Member
Quality policy
We are certified for the following:
- ISO 28000: Security management systems for the supply chain
- ISO 9001: Quality management system
- ISO 50001: Energy management system
- ISO 14001: Environmental management system
- ISO 17025: Accredited lab for mechanical testings
- ISO 45001: Occupational health and safety management systems
- ISO 50001: PTC Krka Knin
All thread sizes and grades for fastening elements:
Declarations of performance:
- Declarations of performance EN 15048
- Declarations of performance EN 14399
- Records of property statements EN 15048 i EN 14399
Railway infrastructure fixing systems
- HPQ: Double elastic spring washers according to DBS 918 006
- EN 15085-2-CL2: Welding of railway components